Forty Shades of Green

“Green, green, forty shades of green

I close my eyes and picture

the emerald of the sea

From the fishing boats of Dingle

to the shores of Donaghadee” – Johnny Cash

Green is the color of life signifying growth, healing, and renewal.

This past June I went on a wonderful tour of the UK and Ireland. Ireland really is as green and rainy as everyone says. But, it is in fact, this rain that influences the dramatic Irish landscapes. The influence of the gulf stream and the moderate climate combine to make Ireland well-balanced – no hot hots or cold colds. However, I did find myself with quite the unexpected sunburn after a day riding bikes on Aran Island.

Anyway, I decided to make a little project out of the proverbial wonderful Johnny Cash song, “Forty Shades of Green.” Below is my interpretation of Ireland’s many shades.